We are Res|


“Promoting the research and conservation of lowland tapirs and their remaining habitats in Brazil”

The Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative (LTCI), a project from Institute for Ecological Research (IPÊ), is a nation-wide, long-term research and conservation effort led by Brazilian conservationist Dr. Patrícia Medici. The overall goal of the LTCI is to have tapir research and conservation programs being carried out in all Brazilian biomes where lowland tapirs are found – AMAZON, ATLANTIC FOREST, CAATINGA, CERRADO and PANTANAL – and biome-based Tapir Action Plans developed and implemented. The LTCI uses tapirs as ambassadors for the conservation of the biomes where the species occurs, catalyzing habitat conservation, environmental education, communication, training and capacity building, and scientific tourism initiatives.




Experts and staff members from different study areas, compose our team that is responsible for the scientific researchs, action plans, enviromental education programs, scientific tourism, awareness campaigns, training and capacity bulding programs. All of this to spread the Lowland tapir conservation cause to whole world.


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“A dedicated partners that believes in LTCI program makes all the difference in biodiversity conservation”

Get to know who supports and encourages our scientific research for the conservation of the Lowland tapir in Brazilian territory.


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Patrícia Medici

Coordinator, Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative

IPÊ – Institute for Ecological Research

Mailing Address: Rua Licuala, 606, 79046-150, Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, BRAZIL

E-mail: medici@ipe.org.br


OR SEND A MESSAGE TO incabbrasil@gmail.com